Sunday, June 23, 2013

Fun adventure day!

nature is a wonderful playground

Today was quite a fun day. So I'm gonna story tell it to you.
Well, today was the first day in a long time that I didn't need to do something immediately when I woke up; so it was very nice sleeping in til 6:15! I made chocolate chip muffins (which were quite tasty) and then got ready for gringo church. Gringo church just means our team here in Honduras meets and has church. I love it. Mike preached out of 1 Samuel 9 today and talked about how sometimes God has to 'move our donkeys' in order for us to be in his will. We must be obedient and follow where he has us going, because HIS plans are whats best for us. ( you should read it, its good stuff)
After church I did a little workout on the roof,  which led to me getting locked up there. So I just sat in the sun hoping someone would come looking for me. Luckily, William did, about 52 minutes later.
 After that we headed to the RIVER! Okay, I knew Honduras was beautiful, but for real this was SO pretty. We had to drive on a dirt road for a long time to get there, and i was in the truck bed, but the bumpy ride was totally worth it. We ate lunch there and then jumped off rocks and swam in the river. Banged up shins, strong currents, little fish, were all part of the experience. The locals made swimming through the water look so easy but when us gringos try it, its not quite as simple. The river was so fun.  You just start at a high part of the current and pick your feet up and let it take you down the river. We had a good time.
While at the river it was hot and sunny, and then as soon as we were leaving it started getting cloudy. And like I said, I was riding in the truck bed. Well then Honduras happened and it started POURING rain. Like down pouring POURING rain. I was like oh well, I'm already wet from the river; but the rain water was freeeezing. All I could do was laugh about how miserable it was back there. Cold, soaking wet, and rain pelting me in the face. Once we got back to the dorms, the thought of a warm shower sounded lovely, and then I remembered I dont have a warm shower.  So a cold one would have to do the trick.
Now, its sunny and clear skies again. Yup, that is Honduras for ya. I love Honduras' crazy weather, I love always riding in the back of a truck,  I love the landscape, I love the people, the culture. It all makes my heart so happy and full of joy.
I cant believe it's almost been a month since Ive been here. Time is flying. I'm soaking up every second I  get here..

 Today i took the 'soaking up every second i get here' a little too seriously..

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Theres no place i'd rather be than here in YOUR love.

"I pray for a servants heart" .. this was my prayer for weeks leading up to come to Honduras. I read in Philippians 2:7 that 'Jesus made himself nothing and took upon the form of a servant.'.. so I prayed I would take on the form of a servant. And shew, has the Lord been teaching me how to be a servant! Talk about ask and you shall receive. This was the first week of having a team here, and we had 26 people! It was an awesome team to start with. They were so very helpful and very fun to serve! But there is a lot of prep work that goes into hosting teams. I've also been learning a lot about my weaknesses. And I'm SO glad Jesus is strong when I am weak. We have had several minor problems along the way such as floor leaks, frig breaks, cars problems- but all of those just show that material things come and go. While reading through the book of 2 Corinthians, the word 'boast' is a reoccurring theme. I want to boast in the Lord like Paul does! 'I will not boast in anything. No gifts nor powers nor wisdom, but I will boast in Jesus Christ'.(one of my favorite songs 'How deep the Fathers love'). The Lord has been laying that heavy on my heart. I have nothing to boast about but Jesus Christ...I could write 37 pages on how much the Lord is doing in my heart and life and all the things I am thankful for! But the spark notes version is this: I am truly blessed to be a part of team Honduras. I know that this is exactly where I am supposed to be. Working as the cook for the teams is not an easy job. I am the first one in the kitchen and the last one out, but it is so worth it. Knowing that bellies are full and happy. It's a good thing I like to cook!  I don't get to work with the street boys as much any more because prepping& cooking is like an all day thing. But I still covet your prayers for them! They are so precious to my heart!  I'm thankful for each of your prayers. 
It also monsooned all week. so that was another fun little twist..
 You can continue to pray for:
  • The street boys- them knowing the love of Jesus. Understanding that they have a purpose in life. Us being able to know how to love them. Protection from evil out on the streets.
  • Team Honduras- short term and long term missionaries here. Each one of us building relationships with Hondurans. And a praise for the unity we have as a team
  • My motives be pure. Remember that all my actions should reflect Christ.
  • Continual ENERGY. 
Sweet missionary kids have been so fun to hang with

Skinny dog. Dont feel sorry for him though, he's picky.

Elias!Honduran little fella

So thankful for this guy. Skyping with my man makes me one happy girl. 

Honduras Futbol is a big deal!

This is Kelvin. This boy definitely needs  your prayers.

National anthem during USA vs. Honduras soccer game!

Monday, June 10, 2013

June 10, 2013

So this isn't really an update on life, but this was on my heart today and I had some down time, so i decided to write:
As I sit here in my room, without electricity for about the 5th time since I've been here, my body tells me to complain-no fans, no water, no toilet.. etc-- But the tug on my heart tell me to be thankful. To spend this time rejoicing in this opportunity. Remembering that has God chosen me to be here this summer. Even though he doesn't need me, he has placed me in La Ceiba, Honduras for this time. He desires for me to earnestly seek Him with or without electricity. Rejoice, pray, give thanks. (1 Thes 5). Moments like this I could easily complain or be frustrated, but in this I will rejoice.
Some of the boys that I work in the street boys ministry have nothing. Their 'house's' are scrap metal sides and roofs. No floor, no lights, no bathroom. These luxuries that I so easily take for granted, and even though they are out now, I know that they will be back on in a few hours, those boys have grown up without. So I have no reason to complain. I must continually remember to give thanks and remember to always make sure my actions reflect Christ. Because even though my words are few with the boys, my actions can speak loudly.
I am also very thankful for the breeze coming through my window. Because the drops running down my back are slowly turning into a puddle.. lovely.
Until next time.

(ps. sorry to all you English major people (KEN), there's no edit button.. I do art for a reason.)

washing clothes by hand. New experiences every day!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

me gusta el sol

...this is the result of a dance party.
Hola y que pasa!
Well, this is my second blog since being here and my heart is SO overjoyed to be here and working. I literally am so amazed by God's grace and his love every day. My team is so cool. Totally reminds me of the verses in 2 Corinthians 12: 17-21 --  .17If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole were hearing, where would the sense of smell be?18But now God has placed the members, each one of them, in the body, just as He desired.19If they were all one member, where would the body be?20But now there are many members, but one body..
It's so comforting&reassuring to know that God has placed each one of us here for a reason all to work together to glorify HIS name. I am so pumped for the rest of the summer.
Well so far I have been working with the street boys every day which is so much fun. Each day, we teach a Bible lesson and eat lunch and we play. They love playing soccer and so maybe they'll teach me a thing or two. They are also helping me with spanish. Some of the boys call me 'gringa' (which means white girl) because they say my pronunciation is awful. They are always good at correcting me though!:)
*brain jump* There are several missions teams coming for one week at a time, and the first team comes on 15th of June. Once they arrive, I will start being the 'dorm mom'. I get to COOK and help out with all the dorming stuff once they get here! So basically, I prepare the meals for the teams and get to have some fun with the Honduran food menu! (how much cooler can this get) So, my typical day will be like so: wake up at 530, help with breakfast& lunch, clean, work with the street boys, prepare dinner, work with short term teams. (something like that). Pretty neat if you ask me.
Continue to remember team Honduras in your prayers! Specifially for me with my spanish and to fully rely on God's strength each day.
I hope this filled yall in a little bit more.
Thank you for your prayers!
Until next time.
Chiki is the sweetest little boy!

they like to wrestle. I still won!
fellow soccer buddies!

oh... and i maybe have a blue streak in my hair now. #sorrymom #blueforHonduras

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Jesus Tu, eres Senor

Well, I made it to Honduras safely! So excited to be here! This completes my second day here. Shewee, lets just say I am in a constant state of moist. Humidity is definitely present. But gonna learn to get used to it.
I have only been here two days, but I could talk about SO much already. But I'm probably gonna keep it to a minimun on this blog, because 1. I'm tired and I cant think and 2. I dont really know how to put it all in words yet. I'm so thankful to be here and know that this is exactly where I'm supposed to be. The team is awesome and has an awesome dynamic. And am looking forward to spending the summer with them!
The title of this blog means 'Jesus you are Lord of all'.. I went to Honduran church tonight (solo hablan en espanol) and we sang 'Poderoso' which is the Hillsong song 'Stronger'. And when I started to feel overwhelmed with not knowing exactly what they were saying during this whole time, we sang this. And it comforted me SO much because I knew the tune and thus i knew the American lyrics. And it reminded me that no matter what language we speak, God understands. all languages, becauase he is Lord of ALL! How cool is that.
It gets dark here around 6pm and so I naturally start getting tired by 7. Literally grandma status. But it gets light here about 515am so I'm up and ready to go by then. So toodle loo for now.
Continue to pray for my adjustment to the culture.
Until next time.
my view from the rooftop. Where I will spend my mornings.

 banana tree!! totally want one!