Sunday, July 14, 2013

Catch up on life

Wow, its been a long time since I've blogged. Sorry bout that. It's been pretty crazy around here and the time to actually process everything and write out what I want to say takes a lot longer than you'd imagine. But here I am, on a Sunday afternoon, with some time to spare, and I'm making myself do it..
So since my last blog, much has happened. I turned that big 22, I went to the most beautiful island, I got to work in other ministry sites here, I got to see more of Honduras,  I completed my first solo cooking week sucessfully, and now i'm on my second week now. FUN! but busy busy. My days are flying by. I cant believe I only have 15 days left here.
With the teams here i feel like my days go by even faster. The team that just left was a team of 17, and the team here now is only a team of 9, so it's not going to be as crazy for me this week. But next weeks team is going to be 26! That will be a stretch for me. I've really enjoyed cooking. I've been able to experiment a little with it, so thats been fun. And a big praise is that no one has gotten sick from the food!  It's fun to meet new people each week too. It's cool to see how people that I just  met and only get to spend one week with can be such an encouragement to me. It's sometimes hard for me to be happy when I get up at 5 each morning to serve. Sometimes I just want the dinner to make itself and clean up after itself too. But as we sang this morning at gringo church, ' I'm coming back to the heart of worship, where it's all about you. I'm sorry Lord for the thing I've made it, where it's all about YOU." It's not about Nina, this trip is much bigger than that. I hope the people that I serve see Jesus in me. And that I am here to serve Him.
I'm learning so much. I'm learning how to cook for big amounts of people, I'm learning how to budget money, I'm learning about people, how to love people, how to let people help me, how its okay to put down what i'm doing and spend time loving people, its not about a time schedule- its about loving and investing in people. The Lord is teaching me much from his word too.  As I was reading in Romans 4 the other day, verse 19-24 talk about Abraham and how God promises him a son, even in his old age. Verse 19 says, "he did not weaken in faith when he considered his own body, which was as good as dead". And It made me SO thankful that my physical body does NOT limit God's power and ability to work in and through me. Even though I get tired and worn out, I know that God's holiness can still be shown through me.
Each day is a new adventure, a new experience, a new level of heat, but I enjoy it all.AND My spanish has gotten so much better. Sometimes I surprise myself with it. I'm excited to bring some of the cultural back to the states.
Thank you for your continual prayers. I know that the Lord has blessed me through you all, and I appreaciate you guys so much
Continue to pray for the short term teams to stay safe and free of sickness. Pray for each of the ministries we have here in La Ceiba. And for the people of La Ceiba that the fellow Team Honduras members have been investing in. Pray for me to finish strong and give all I have these last 2 weeks.

View of the mountains going to the clinic

How beautiful!

Goats and cows!!

Beautiful days can turn into this in seconds

Carlito! 4 year old boy that goes to kids club in Armenia Bonito
me at the Island holding a sea urchin!

P.S. sorry the pictures on here are kinda lame. My fellow intern, William, wont share his pictures with me! Jk, I'll post some soon... as soon as William sends me them. *cough cough*.

Love to all.

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